A natural way to improve your health

Here at Alternative Hope, we believe God made the body resilient, that it is able to heal itself from any pain, illness, or disease.

There is no incurable illness, only a lack of understanding how to achieve it. According to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years. The cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years. If the entire body is continually creating new cells, why do we still have symptoms? Why are we developing disease as we age? Why doesn’t the body just make new, healthy cells every time cells reproduce?

We offer a non-invasive method of testing the body to find the source of many health issues, through applied kinesiology.

We offer you a natural way to restore your health.

Total Body Analysis (TBA) - Not finding answers to your health issues? 

TBA is a homeopathic system that is able to determine exactly what your body needs to heal itself. After determining what your body needs, we provide you with a custom remedy that detoxes your body, while supporting the weak areas with the nutrition it needs. This allows the body to heal itself from any illness. TBA is completely safe and effective for any person at any age. The TBA visit usually last about an hour, follow up visits last 30 - 45 minutes.

Emotion Code Session - We all have trapped emotions, better known as "Emotional baggage". These are trapped emotions from stressful daily life, intense emotional events, and  traumatic events that can harm us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Emotion Code uses a fast and easy method of finding and releasing these emotions.  An Emotion Code Sessions last up to 30 minutes,

During a TBA or Emotion Code Sessions we may suggest diet changes, essential oils, supplements, or other alternative methods, that will help you.

Sessions are available Tuesday- Thursday 9am to 5pm
Just want more information, free consultation is available.
Call or texts us today!

Alternative Hope with Alisha Radford D.PSc a Total Body Analysis Practitioner and Emotion Code Practitioner @ https://www.alternativehope.net in Murphy, NC 28906

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